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    Acrel ACR10R-D24TE4 peb theem CT zog ntsuas rau hnub ci inverter

    Hnub Ci Pv AC Lub Zog Saib Xyuas Meter

    Khoom Categories
    Cov khoom tshwj xeeb

    Acrel ACR10R-D24TE4 peb theem CT zog ntsuas rau hnub ci inverter

    Qauv: ACR10R-D10TE4 ACR10R-D16TE4 ACR10R-D24TE4 ACR10R-D36TE

    Haum rau inverter hom: Solis inverter

    ● Kev Ntsuas: 3-theem Active Fais Fab, Reactive Power, Tam sim no, Voltage thiab lwm yam

    ● Kev ntsuas tam sim no: mus txog 300A (ua ke nrog CTs sab nraud)

    ● Kev sib txuas lus: RS485 (MODBUS-RTU)

    ● Daim Ntawv Thov: Siv nyob rau hauv faib hnub ci PV thiab Anti-reflux Inverter

      Cov duab

      Standard muaj nuj nqi


       function 12 ju

      Ua ke nrog 80A CT

      Kev Sib Tham: Active KWh (Positive And Negative), Reactive KWh (Positive And Negative), A. B, C Phase Positive Active Zog


      Kev ntsuas: U, I, P, Q, S, PF, HZ


      Pulse Output: Active Pulse Output, Reactive Pulse Output, Moos Pulse Output


       ua 2ivf

      Ua ke nrog 120A CT


       ua 3ydf

      Ua ke nrog 200A CT


       function48 ua

      Ua ke nrog 400A CT


      ACR10R series lub zog ntsuas hluav taws xob yog cov ntsuas hluav taws xob ntse tsim los rau lub hnub ci inverter, nws feem ntau muaj xws li U, I, P, HZ, zoo kwh, tsis zoo kw thiab lwm yam.

      TXOJ CAI

      ua 5273





      Kev ntsuas bidirectional

      ● Kev ntsuas lub zog ua haujlwm

      ● Reactive Zog Metering


      RS485 Kev sib txuas lus

      ● MODBUS-RTU raws tu qauv

      ● Sib txuas lus nrog Inverter kom paub txog kev tiv thaiv reflux Function

       zxc72 wb

      Ua ke nrog CTs sab nraud lossis Rogowski Chev
      ● Rated Tam sim no ntawm CTs: mus txog 300A
      ● Rated Tam sim no ntawm Rogowski Chev: mus txog 20000A

       ua 8zd

      LCD zaub

      ● Parameter Zaub

      ● Programming Interface

       zxc97 wb

      Keypads HMI rau Programming

      ● Parameter Zaub Teeb

      ● Kev sib txuas lus (chaw nyob, baud tus nqi thiab lwm yam)

       ua 101r9


      Technical parameters

      Qhov taw qhia

      Tswv yim

      Net ua haujlwm

      3-theem 3-xaim, 3-theem 4 xaim

      Ntau zaus

      45 ~ 65 Hz

      Qhov hluav taws xob

      Kev ntsuas hluav taws xob: AC 57.7V / 100V (100V), 220V / 380V (400V)

      Overload: 1.2-fold rating (nruam); 2-fold rating / 1second

      Kev siv:

      Tam sim no

      Kev ntsuas: 80A, 120A, 200A .etc (Saib cov khoom tshwj xeeb, tshwj xeeb tsis tuaj yeem kho)

      Overload: 1.2-fold ntsuas (nruam); 10-fold ntsuas / 1 thib ob

      Kev siv hluav taws xob: ± 0.2VA

      Tso zis

      Hluav taws xob

      Cov zis hom: Qhib-collector photocoupler mem tes, ob txoj kev tso zis

      Peb theem

      Pulse tas li: 4000, 8000imp/kWh

      Kev sib txuas lus

      RS485 interface, Modbus-RTU raws tu qauv

      Zaub hom


      Muaj nuj nqi


      Tswv yim

      Plaub txoj kev qhuav hu rau tswv yim

      Tso zis

      Output hom: ob txoj kev relay nO tiv tauj cov zis

      Kev sib cuag muaj peev xwm: AC 250V / 3A, DC 30V / 3A

      Ntsuas qhov tseeb

      Zaus 0.05Hz, reactive fais fab 1class, lwm yam 0.5class

      Fais fab mov

      AC85 ~ 265V lossis DC100 ~ 350V; DC24V (± 10%); DC48V (± 10%)

      Kev siv ≤10VA

      Kev nyab xeeb

      Fais fab zaus tiv taus voltage

      Lub hwj chim zaus tiv taus qhov hluav taws xob nruab nrab ntawm lub zog txhawb nqa thiab hloov lub ntim tso tawm thiab cov tswv yim tam sim no thiab cov khoom siv hluav taws xob thiab kev sib txuas lus thiab cov khoom siv mem tes thiab hloov ntim cov khoom siv hluav taws xob yog AC2kV 1min; Fais fab zaus tiv taus qhov hluav taws xob nruab nrab ntawm lub zog pab thiab hloov ntim cov zis thiab tam sim no input voltage input davhlau ya nyob twg yog AC 2kV / 1min; Lub zog zaus tiv taus qhov hluav taws xob ntawm kev sib txuas lus thiab mem tes tso zis thiab hloov ntim cov tswv yim davhlau ya nyob twg yog AC 1kV / 1min;

      Rwb thaiv tsev tsis kam

      Input, Output davhlau ya nyob twg rau vaj tse> 100MΩ

      Ib puag ncig

      Ua haujlwm kub: -10 ℃ ~ + 55 ℃ ; Cia kub: -20 ℃ ~ + 70 ℃

      txheeb ze humidity: 5% ~ 95% Tsis condensation; Qhov siab: ≤2500m




      ua 120lqfunction138 uazxcbcvb 14


      ua 152x
      pdf (4) nr 0
      Acrel ACR10R-D24TE4 ct zog ntsuas phau ntawv
      pdf (4) nr 0
      Acrel ACR10R-DXXTE CE daim ntawv pov thawj


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